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The Multifamily Masterclass
The Multifamily Masterclass Free Preview
Welcome to the Multifamily Masterclass (1:02)
What is a syndication? (7:08)
10 Tips to Vet a Deal (18:51)
What is a preferred return (4:10)
Cap rate - What is it? (4:09)
REIT and ETF vs Syndications (5:41)
What Is A Syndication?
Welcome to the Multifamily Masterclass (1:02)
What is a syndication? (7:08)
Active vs Passive Real Estate Investing (6:45)
General Terms a Sponsor Will Use (6:19)
Pros of Syndication: Part 1 (5:50)
Pros of syndication: Part 2 (2:50)
Risks of Real Estate Investing (4:15)
The Cons of Syndications (5:31)
Valuations of Commercial Real Estate vs Single Family (5:51)
What Happens When You're Ready to Invest (5:59)
General terms a sponsor will use (6:19)
How Do Syndications Work?
Class A vs Class B Shares (6:17)
How Syndicators Raise Funds (6:19)
Sponsors - How Should They Get Paid? (3:38)
Why dont I make my own syndication? (7:01)
Real Estate Crowdfunding (7:52)
The Legal Overview of the PSA (2:45)
Different Classes of MF Assets (6:21)
REIT and ETF vs Syndications (5:41)
How Does Someone Invest In A Syndication?
How Does Someone Invest in a Syndication? (0:39)
How to become an accredited investor (6:48)
What If Your Spouse Won't Invest in Real Estate (7:07)
What’s a Broker Dealer (9:07)
Should I have my own attorney review the deal before investing (12:17)
Should I invest through an entity or my individual name (6:12)
Understanding Series llc (9:45)
The Basics of the Syndication Attorney (8:45)
Buyers Counsel (4:31)
The Lenders attorney (3:14)
How Attorneys interact on a deal (4:12)
How does title work in a Syndication (4:41)
What is the PSA (3:29)
Investing via IRA-401k (7:08)
Can I 1031 a Syndication (5:19)
Walk me through a syndication (7:07)
Adding Sophisticated Investors (4:18)
NonCon Opinion Letter (1:17)
Investment Structure
Investment Structure Intro (0:58)
Risks of Investing in a Syndication (8:01)
Analysis Paralysis and How to Overcome It (7:15)
Investing in a Recession (5:51)
Sub-Funds - What are they? (10:58)
Syndication Law 506b versus 506c (12:06)
The Howey Test (4:13)
Market data- How do we know what the rent bumps will be? (4:42)
1-3-5 Mile Radius Demographics (3:36)
Occupancy and Vacancy Assumptions (11:11)
Renovation schedules (7:01)
Other Income Assumptions (3:18)
The Vetting Process
The Vetting Process (0:52)
GP vs Sponsor vs JV (3:52)
Staffing at the Property Level (13:00)
Fund Managers (10:06)
Taxes and Insurance (3:50)
10 Tips to Vet a Deal (18:51)
Understanding Due Diligence (4:33)
MF Masterclass Due Diligence Checklist
What is preferred equity? (3:50)
Red Flags (11:21)
Understanding the Path of Progress: 9 Steps (8:47)
What is the PPM? (8:05)
Choosing a Market (5:05)
What is the financing period? (1:58)
Hard Money and Carve Outs (4:39)
Why do you need a PPM (4:22)
Financials: The Details Of The Deal
Financials (0:42)
What is a capital call? (4:15)
The Fed – What Does It Do and Why You Should Care (5:16)
Inflation-Why It Matters (8:03)
Cap rate - What is it? (4:09)
MF Masterclass Handout: Cap Rates
IRR vs. XIRR (7:41)
Cash on Cash (CoC) and Average Annual Return (AAR) (5:31)
MF Masterclass Handout: CoC & AAR
Revenue vs NOI Debt Service Ratio (5:44)
MF Masterclass Handout: Revenue & NOI & DSCR & CoC
LTC & Leverage (5:41)
MF Masterclass Handout: LTC & Leverage
RUBS (5:56)
What is an expense ratio (1:18)
MF Masterclass Handout: Expense Ratio
Sensitivity Analysis (6:00)
MF Masterclass Handout: Sensitivity Analysis
Worst Case Scenarios (10:49)
MF Masterclass T-12 Sample
What Happens After Closing?
What Happens After Closing Intro (0:36)
What happens after closing (3:52)
Typical fees in a syndication (7:22)
MF Masterclass Buyer's Settlement Statement Sample
Can I change a investment from my name to an entity (4:09)
How does the capital stack work (8:17)
What is a preferred return (4:10)
Most common waterfall structures (6:39)
Understanding the K1 (6:14)
Stocks & bonds versus real estate (8:25)
MF Masterclass Buyer's Settlement Statement Sample
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